Living the Cross Centered Life: C.J. Mahaney
You can read an excerpt of it here
This is seriously an amazing book. I'm not quite finished with it, but thus far, it has changed me. Al Mohler does the forward in this book and he says, "This book you now hold in your hands is nothing less than a manifesto for turning your world upside down" and that it certainly has. I am convicted and even more appalled and disgusted with my sin. There is a whole new meaning for me when I sing, "I'll never know how much it cost to see my sin upon that cross." I'm not going to go into detail, because I cannot even explain how much I love it.
Please read the excerpt!!
Amazing Grace in the life of William Wilberforce: John Piper
Did you know you can print out a bunch of Piper books for FREE? Amazing, isn't it? Well, let me recommend printing out "Amazing Grace in the life of William Wilberforce." It is such an awesome biography. William Wilberforce lived his life trying to abolish slavery. Piper does a phenomenal job of telling Wilberforce's story...and guess what? THEY ARE MAKING IT INTO A MOVIE! I cannot believe it! I'm so excited! And apparently Piper had something to do with it, so you know it'll be good.
Great quote: "If we would....rejoice in [Christ] as triumphantly as the first Christians did; we must learn, like them to repose our entire trust in Him and to adopt the language of the apostle, "God forbid that I should glory, save in the cross of Jesus Christ...Who of God is made unto us wisdom and righteousness and sanctification, and redemption" -Wilberforce
The Hidden Smile of God: John Piper
People often say how difficult it is to read Piper. I use to feel that way too, but since reading his biographies, I am beginning to understand him more. In "The Hidden Smile of God" Piper bio's John Bunyan, William Cowper and David Brainerd. This book, unfortunately, is not a free online book, but it's worth the $11.00 price tag. I believe Piper's ministry has a "whatever you can afford" policy, so there is no excuse not to read this!!
"John Bunyan, William Cowper, and David Brainerd suffered in the midst of their kingdom labors. For Bunyan it was prison and danger for preaching the gospel. For Cowper it was life-long depression and suicidal darkness. For Brainerd it was tuberculosis and the "howling darkness" of American forests. In these three biographies, John Piper explains how their steadfastness through trial sweetened and intensified their song of faith. The stories of how they suffered, how they endured, and how their affliction bore fruit will ignite radical Christian living, God-centered worship, and Christ-exalting mission. Consider their stories and be encouraged that no labor and no suffering in the path of Christian obedience is ever in vain. As Cowper wrote, "Behind a frowning providence God hides a smiling face."
Valley of Vision: Arthur G. Bennett
Beautiful, beautiful collection of Puritan prayers! This is not a "prayer book" but a book that can help us learn how to pray. With authors such as Spurgeon and Newton, these prayers are jam packed with scriptural truth. Very humbling and so rich in wisdom. I love them.
Valley of Vision: Sovereign Grace Ministries
This, like the book of prayers, is just as beautiful. Bob Kauflin (as well as other composers) of Sovereign Grace Ministries has adapted the "Valley of Vision" prayers into music. You can hear song samples here.
"The Precious Blood"
Before the cross I kneel and see
The measure of my sin
Though You were innocent
The magnitude of Your great love
Was shown in full degree
When righteous blood, the crimson spill
Rained down from
Oh, the precious blood
That flowed from Mercy’s side
Washed away my sin
When Christ my Savior died
Oh, the precious blood
Of Christ the crucified
It speaks for me before Your throne
Where I stand justified
And who am I that I should know
This treasure of such worth
My Savior’s pure atoning blood
Shed for the wrath I’d earned
For sin has stained my every deed
My every word and thought
What wondrous love that makes me one
Your priceless blood has bought
A crown of thorns, pierced hands and feet
A body bruised, and Mercy’s plea
I pray that you all might be edified by these books and music! The LORD is magnificent! I pray we can all see that and say it in TRUTH!